
  • Connecting with my history: who I am, where I come from, what is important for me.
  • To create a personal blazon with drawings, collages, and/or written words or sentences/quotes to characterize who I am, how I connect to others, what is important for me and what is the motto/slogan for my life.


The object
It can be anything (see images below) that symbolizes a blazon/crest/coat of arms. The child should ideally be able to hang it on the wall or on a stand.

The content
The child draws a large format blazon/crest with an emblem banner above, which will leave the space for his/her motto, then he/she divides the bottom of the blazon into 2 pieces by drawing a dividing line.

On the bottom left, he/she will draw or write what is important in his/her relationship to others (his/her family and friends, those who are important for him/her and who care for him/her), in what they do together, share, think. On the bottom right, he/she will write or draw what is important for him/her as a person.



Above, the student will write his/her motto. To identify her/his motto, we can help her/him brainstorm words and ideas that are meaningful for him/her, as well as qualities that they like about themselves or others.

  • Before they start working on their blazon, we share with the children a knight’s story and define with them what are the values of chivalry (fidelity, honesty, courtesy, prowess, generosity) in order to get them acquainted with the concepts of values.

  • The child can use collages, drawings, words, paintings, and more to represent the family/me part of the blazon.

The Outcome

The blazon/coat of arms is a systematic tool that invites the children to track the essential values ​​in life, at home, in school, in class, for oneself and with others.

At the end of this activity, each student will have a personal piece that appeals to the essential and deep relationships in each one of us; a meaningful piece of art that empowers the child.



“My Blazon” - Activity Sample

Inspired and adapted from the Enfants d’Aujourdhui “Blazon Workshop” by Anne Bordage and Michèle Bannay http://www.enfantsdaujourdhui.fr/2012/05/10/le-blason/